Thursday, March 12, 2009
Heartaches of India
The Dalits, or Untouchables, are the people considered even lower than the lowest caste. They have no hope in THIS life whatsoever. They work hard all day just to barely make enough to eat, possibly just one meal a day with their children receiving just the water in which the rice is boiled. These are the people to whom we minister in India. Body wrecking work, difficulties, hopelessness, no end to suffering - this is their "lot" in life. (The people of higher castes and greater wealth do not minister to them since, according to their Hindu beliefs, this would be counterproductive to their being "reincarnated" into a better life).
As we share what the Bible teaches about life, we give them HOPE for a future (even if it is just after death). We tell them of the biblical view of eternity, Heaven, the incarnation of Christ, Jesus' coming to SAVE them, not to destroy. (There have been 10 incarnations of Hindu gods, all coming in destruction). The people are given (much appreciated) temporary relief from pain, disease, "blindness". But, even greater, they are given HOPE in Jesus Christ. I met a lady, in one of our Homes for the Elderly, who was widowed at the age of 7 years (yes, that is 7); she was never allowed to remarry (but not thrown into the fire as they burned her dead husband's (legally betrothed husband's) body as many widows were. She shared with me - with the greatest smile of joy on her face - how the Lord had ALWAYS taken care of her! And we think we have it hard!
Medical, dental, and eyeglass clinics enable us to share the Gospel with many people who might never come to a church or evangelistic rally. Indian people have little access to medicines and no funds to find transportation to a hospital. As we take medicines to the villages, the people come, desperate for physical healing. Their traditional medicines of herbs and leaves often work, but their application of "sacred" cow dung to wounds and infections does NOT work.
As we administer medicines, it gives us a chance to tell them about the Great Physician, who can heal their spiritual wounds and give Eternal Life. Many times the peoples' needs are more than we can help, or even beyond human help. As we pray for them, they see the power of Christ to heal their diseases, give them the children they desire, as well as meet the deepest desire of all people - to know the One True God.