Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"Once I was blind, now I see"

As Hugh fitted glasses, he would double check the Rx by having them look at the form (with info about help given and then various choices on decisions made in counseling). One man, so excited that he could read, began to read the form! After a moment, he asked, dumbfoundedly, "What kind of person would NOT pray to receive Christ?"

It was very rewarding to fit glasses in a country where many people speak English. They would get so excited, "I can see! I can see!" And the you'd get a big hug or a big grin!


Due to the collapse of the Zim Dollar, the people of Zimbabwe are desperate for help. As we arrived for the clinic on the second day, people were lined up outside the gate, inside the church, and outside the church in droves. Nevertheless they remained orderly and controlled, hopeful that they would be among the 300+ who would be seen by the eyedoctor, doctor, and nurses. Clinics bring people to the church where we help them physically (temporary relief) and also offer spiritual help through the free gift of salvation in Jesus Christ (eternal life). Many heard the Good News and responded. They came, "hopeful" to see better; we offered Hope for future perfect vision! 854 people were added to the Kingdom of Heaven through clinics, BYBC, Evangelistic Rallies, and street preaching.