Just wanted to let you know GOD ANSWERS PRAYER! (In case you didn’t know it already).
I recently posted 1 time on our high school class FB page regarding the great need for Sponsors for SONshine Kids in Uganda. I had 2 responses and wrote them back via e-mail. One replied immediately & sponsored 2 kids. I didn’t hear from the other., but that was o.k.
As I had been thinking about the needs of the kids, I was really concerned about the requested (and unavailable) $5000 needed for beans to be purchased NOW since it was harvest time. Being especially frugal, I hated to think of paying almost twice as much when we purchased them later. I decided to just pray for that $5000 to come in.
I returned home late Saturday night. Hugh asked me, “Are you ‘on mission for Jesus’ “? Perplexed, I said “what?” He repeated the question again - a couple of times. (I kept thinking, “That sounds familiar”.) **There's a line under my phone numbers on my e-mail). I finally said, “Well, that’s my blogspot name”.
He slowly passed a check at me. I looked at it, frowning in confusion?? It was made out to “OnMIssion4Jesus”, and it was for $5000!!!! It was from the other person to whom I had sent the e-mail about sponsoring kids.
I said to Hugh, in amazement, smiling, “I’ve been praying for the money to buy beans for the kids. Do you know how much the beans are?”
He answered, hesitantly, “$5000?”
I nodded yes. I was just amazed!!!! Lord, you are soooo good. Why do I doubt your abilities?
Then I thought, “Now, how am I going to get a check made out to ‘OnMission4Jesus” cashed?” LOL But I’ve got that simple problem solved.
Thank you, Lord. I believe! Lord, help my unbelief!
For information on sponsoring a child, got to TCWM.org and click "Sponsor a Child". Mark it Uganda child.