Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Trivia question: Which ocean is higher, the Pacific or the Atlantic? (see answer at end)

The Panama Canel is a marvel of unity and cooperation. Envisioned for many years before it was successfully completed, the United States finally completed it to unite the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic. The series of locks moves the huge ship up to the level of a large freshwater lake, then back down again to the level of the ocean. The 23 hour passage saves days or weeks of travel (plus the cost of fuel) to go around the tip South America.

When money, convenience, economics is involved, isn't it interesting how we can settle disputes and disagreements so readily while we don't take the time and effort to settle disputes amongst family members or friends or organizations quite so readily? Unity and cooperation are still top priority in the New Testament.

Answer: Neither. The locks move the ships UP from sea level to the level of the lake, then, after crossing Panama via the lake, the ship moves through the other locks back down to sea level into the other ocean! Don't laugh. This is a question we were all asking or being asked as we all thought there was only 1 series of locks rather than 2!

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