Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Grace, truly an example of God's grace, lives out her life of following Christ as she ministers to the HIV/AIDS victims at the hospital when she goes for her treatments. Grace, widowed with 2 children, knows firsthand what it is to trust Christ with her life. After discovering she was HIV positive, she visited with the ladies of Pallisa Bacptist Church, Uganda. She cried and cried, understanding the hopelessness of her situation and the lostness of her soul. As they lovingly ministered the grace of Christ to Grace, she understood the great love of Jesus, His willingness to die for her, and Grace invited Jesus Christ into her life as Lord and Saviour. Grace now always has a smile on her face, evidence of the hope she has in Christ, the assurance of His love, care, and provision for her. I have never been so drawn to an individual as I was to her. I could see the peace on her face, evidence of the presence in her life of the Prince of Peace. She spreads the love of Christ, the assurance of Eternal Life, the hope of comfort and provision with all those with whom she comes in contact. She has found purpose in her life as she shares Jesus with others suffering this dread disease. She ministers tirelessly in our clinics and open air Crusades. She truly is an Ambassador of Jesus Christ, proclaiming His message: Be reconciled to God. We helped her get a bicycle to give her transportation back and forth to the hospital for her treatments and ministry to other AIDS patients. Please pray for her and her 2 children, Esther (12) and a 10 year old boy.

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