Thursday, March 31, 2022

Gentle Moses

 Looking back at old Uganda photos, I found this one from our second trip to Uganda in 2008. The man between me and Hugh taught me many things - One very important one. I called him "Gentle Moses", because there were 2 called Moses, and he WAS a gentle servant man who made sure the clinics ran smoothly (from the outside). He was a true Deacon & Associate Pastor. He would come to me and say "Millie, I have a suggestion." And he would make what always was a GREAT suggestion on how to do things better. (If you know me, I'm always looking for ways to do things better).

A few years later, Moses married sweet Harriet. He was in his early 30s and had saved a LONG time for his dowry of cows, goats, chickens, etc. for his bride. A couple of years later, Moses was hit by a car as he traveled the harsh roads on his bicycle. Taken to the local hospital, they said it was hopeless. Agnatius Okou Asalamuka took him to a larger hospital and they saved his life. But, after working with him one more year, he succumbed to ongoing effects of his accident and went ahead of us into the presence of His Lord and Savior. Thank you, Moses for teaching me servanthood and gentleness. You are forever remembered and our friendship cherished. Simon Okuni please share my love with Harriet.

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