Thursday, March 31, 2022

Orwaka Church - faithfulness of God's people

 After we left Uganda in September, 2019 (our last trip before covid hit), the school leader of Future Joy Primary and Nursery School called Ps. Simon Okuni and asked what would they need to do to start a church. Simon said, "You need land." He called back a few days later & said, "We have land. What else." Simon answered, "You need bricks." A few weeks later, the response came, "We have bricks." The people began to pray for someone to "stand with them" to provide mortar for the bricks. An American family and business decided to "stand with them" and sent money to begin building. Later 85, then 30 more were baptized as they professed faith in Jesus Christ. What a JOY it was to see all these 300 students and adults waiting for our visit to their beloved church building, started and built DURING covid in 2021. Then Matt Osborn Elizabeth Osborn had the privilege of preaching there last week and 100 more people indicated their choice to commit their lives to Jesus Christ.

Windows, doors, floor and plastering are yet to be done. God is GOOD! God's people were faithful and blessed.

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